
Dog knocks over water and destroys laptop, who is responsible?

3 room mates. #1 room mate takes care of boyfriends dog most of the time but has an agreement with other room mates to watch the dog when room mate #1 is working and all are in agreement that it's ok for the dog to be in the apartment even though the management doesn't allow it(RM#3's boyfriend is the manager!). On this day, RM#1 is working and arranged for RM#3 to sit the dog, RM#2 leaves her laptop on the coffee table, RM#3 who is sitting the dog that day puts her cup of water on the table next to RM#2's laptop. Dog is known to jump on furniture. Dog was let out to roam the apartment by RM#3. Dog knocks over water, destroys $1800 Mac Book. Room mates #2 and #3 gang up on RM#1 and tell her she needs to pay for a new laptop for RM#2.

Who is responsible for the laptop damage?


what was the final outcome?

6 Answers

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It sound like it this is a little bit on everyone.

  • RM#1 is the primary responsible party for the dog while it's in your home
  • RM #2 knows that dog is inclined to jump on tables, and should put away things the dog could get into or ruin
  • RM #3 took responsibility for the dog this day, and knows the dog jumps on tables, so should have been conscious of where they placed the glass of water and what it was around

Personally, I think the boyfriend should be paying for the laptop replacement. He is getting free doggy daycare out of the arrangement! RM #3 should have apologized for not thinking. RM #2 should take responsibility for leaving their $2k laptop out and in a place that it could be damaged.

Think of it as if it were a pair of shoes. RM #2 left them out, when they knew the dog would be in/around the house, and RM #3 didn't keep a close enough eye on the dog, and the dog chewed them up. In this case, why would it be RM #1 fault?


RM3 had care, custody, and control of the dog, they need to pay for the new laptop in my opinion


Whoever was in charge of caring for the dog is responsible to any damages.


It sucks that this happened but I feel that Roommate 3 should apologize but ultimately Roommate 2 is responsible for leaving the laptop out. Had roommate 2 put the laptop away and where it belonged it would not have gotten destroyed.


I agree. They were responsible for securing their personal property and failed. Anything could have happened to the laptop (from the actual water damage to it falling, to someone moving it to the couch and sitting on it, or even theft) and they took that risk by leaving it out.


I think you should let Judge Judy settle this one.


Roommate #3 is responsible they left the water there and they should have been watching the dog. Now if you want to be nice and fair the three of you could split the cost of the laptop.