
Ways to generate more buisness???

Hi there, I live just outside of a college town and have booked my first client. They randomly picked me AND booked for a 4 week stay, we're 2 weeks in and doing awesome. Our place is really great, it's a farm with a lot of smells to smell and places to run. My partner is a veterinarian and we also run a rescue on our farm. In saying that, I feel like our place is really a great place to board your pet yet I am not seeing the bookings I'd like. Read: only this one. I price our services competitively and see others around me are doing well. What is your advice on generating more business? I am on craigslist too. Thank you in advance!

2 Answers

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I've done a lot through word of mouth. Meeting people at pet stores and dog parks is a good option. Seeing if there's a local group on Facebook you can share your services on is a good way to go too. Since your partner is a vet, have them mention your services when they interact with their clients. Word travels quick between friends. Best of luck! :)


Also, make sure you have business cards with your promo code printed and ready to hand to anyone. I have missed many opportunities when taking my clients for walks and always kick myself!