
Anyone ever had a client request that their dog be the only one in your care?

I have a client who has a difficult dog (very dominant, leash aggression, etc.). I'm not sure if the owner would be comfortable with us watching other dogs while his is in our home. Has anyone ever had an owner request that their dog be the only one in your care? If so, do you usually charge more per day?

4 Answers

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Yep! I usually charge my holiday rate. Because you are reserving those dates for a single dog, you're losing out on potential income you could be making by booking several pets at a time. I believe it is well justified and so far have had no problem with owners paying a bit extra to assure this.


Wow. I've not thought of this before. Great solution Lindsey I! Now I will better know how to handle this one should it be a request I have to deal with.


Yes, and Yes. That's another great way to use the Custom Quote.


Yes. When I first started pet sitting through rover I did take 1 dog only. My pet parents did tip me nicely since their dog was the only one and they knew that I wouldn't take any other dogs. As my business grew and I have very frequent repeats, those dogs were gradually phased out. Depending on the reason (aggression or nervous pet parent) it is a great way to get started and get referrals and recommendations to build your business.


Yes, and I don't charge extra, unless it's a holiday. Normally first one booked is notified if anyone else is wanting to book in their "space" and can make the choice whether they care or don't mind. My returning clients, I usually know already if I can book another dog along with him or her, but newbies or super elderly dogs I offer single dog time.