
how to modify range distance i am willing to travel? What is an acceptable range (distance) of service?

how to modify range distance i am willing to travel? What is an acceptable range (distance) of service?

2 Answers

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Setting your service area is a matter of preference and it also depends on your local area, city, small town or rural and the services you offer. If you are just starting out many sitters set a large area so they can be seen in searches and acquire clients, then over time reduce the size. One disadvantage of a large area especially with walks is you will drive a lot of miles every day. I looked at your profile and you have your area set very small and its hard to find walking or drop-in clients this way. Best of luck


To change:


What is the maximum distance you'll travel to get to a client's home?

Go into << account>>; << profile>>; << service options/preferences>> and scroll down to that area to enter the distance in miles you want to show.