
"How do I verify a clients vet records"?

I want to make sure any pets I bring into my home are up to date on their vaccinations including rabies, parvo/distemper, and bordatella (canine cough) and that they have had a fecal exam including a Giardia test with negative results at least two weeks prior to their first stay.

3 Answers

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Ask the client to provide them to you. Many vet offices give pet owners online access to their records and printing them up isn't all that difficult or too much to ask.


Thanks, I was able to call vet after client gave them permission to share records with me.


I always require a meet & greet and tell the potential customer to bring the utd vaccination records for verification. I don't require the fecal but that is a good policy. I also have a form for the customer to fill out such as the veterinarian Clinic, Vet name, address & phone #; Anyone authorized to pick up pet; And for each pup: Dog name-age- Microchip? Date of last vaccinations...and more about each of their dogs. *I do require the kennel cough but do tell the owner it is like getting a flu shot...doesn't cover every strain. I am proud to say "my" pet parents are very knowledgeable.


If anyone ever forgets. Most vets offices will email them from over the phone too.