
When you do a meet and greet with a potential client for an overnight stay should they disclose to you if there are cameras in the house?

When you do a meet and greet with a potential client for an overnight stay should they disclose to you if there are cameras in the house?

3 Answers

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They don't have to, but I always ask. I just say something like, "I don't want to embarrass you or me so I need to know if you have cameras in the house." If they do, then we discuss where they are. I personally don't have a problem with a client having cameras unless they are in the bedroom or the bathroom.. In that case I would ask to have them turned off or turned around.


They don't but I ALWAYS mention previous clients of mine who did have them in hopes that they will then say, "me too!" or "no cameras here!" LOL In my instances thus far, the owners have mentioned it to me first and its usually pointed right where the animal stays majority of their day. If they had them pointed anywhere I'd be sleeping....well, I wouldn't take that stay honestly.


Hello Kerry, in all my cases the pet owner has mentioned it right at the meet and greet. If you ever run into a time where you want to know if they have one I agree with what lauren said of mentioning past clients had one and see if they mention they have one as well. Hope this helps and all the best with your business. :)