
Why can't I modify dates individually?

I booked a client for drop in visits today and she needed 1 drop in visit on one day and the next day she needed 2 drop in visits and the following day she just needed the 1 visit again. It won't let me modify the days individually making it where I have to put 2 drop in visits for all 3 days when she only needs 4 total drop in visits but ended up charging her for 6 because I couldn't change the dates individually. I've hit edit and it will only let me do all 3 days together as 1 drop in visit a day or 2 drop in visits a day. I think the site needs to be updated to modify dates individually because drop in visits vary. This is a huge inconvenience because I don't want to overcharge my clients or underpay myself because there's no way to change it. Hope this helps! Thanks!

1 Answer

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The client should have been given the option to setup varying numbers of visits by day during the booking create process. Give support a call and they can make the adjustments for you 888-453-7889


I was trying to help a client do this today and there was no way to do it. I am also as a sitter not able to edit it. Keep in mind that support says you can. They just can't or won't tell or show me how...?