
How to contact customer service at Rover?

I am a dog sitter and when a customer was booking with me it changed my rates dramatically without me doing anything. My rate is 45 a night (for 3 or more nights) and $15 extra per dog per night and the system changed my pricing to $45 extra per dog per night. This was super embarrassing since I didn't see it and it makes me look bad. I just wanted to point this out that the system did this. And if I did happen to do it, please tell me what I did so I can make sure this doesn't happen in the future.



My rates are 50 a night..why is it say for me to sign on for the dog owners rates ..which is $30..90 dollars in 4's asking me to except this pending.from him for 30 dollars..whats this problem.

I thought my prices are my prices.

Why im I veing charged a rate,when im the sitter

1 Answer

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Customer service phone is [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team].


Rover can't change sitter's rates. Check your rate settings for all services, especially the additional rates since sometimes those are forgotten. You can always reach out to Rover's support team at [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team] and they have agents 24/7


There actually is an option on your profile settings to allow Rover to adjust your pricing. It's under Settings - Sitter: "I'd prefer not to have my rates adjusted by Rover. I understand that by doing so, I may make less for my services than similarly situated sitters in my area." toggle on or off.