
A way to leave feedback on clients so other sitters can see?

Does anyone know if there is a way (or something in the works to allow this) for sitters to review clients so other sitters in the case they are approached by that owner can see? Like tips and tricks on dealing with that dog/owner- or a way to warn in the case of a bad experience? I know clients are allowed to review us, but I think it would be beneficial to be able to do the same to help the sitter community...

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I agree, this would be an excellent feature. I've often wished it existed as well, but sadly it doesn't. We can review/rate dogs, but I'm not sure about the usefulness of this feature since no other sitter can see what we've written.


This would be a super wonderful feature to have. I don't think there's any way to do this right now, though.


It would be fabulous if our dog reviews (experiences, tips, and tricks) could be accessible by other Rover sitters that may watch the same dog. Of course, Rover would need to do something to control the security/privacy of that.


When I first started writing the reviews I thought they were for other sitters to view so they can see what other sitters experiences were. Luckily I have never had a bad experience but I have heard of some awful ones. For example, Ive heard of a woman who said her dog was dog friendly and well trained. Two different sitters watched this dog and both had horrible experiences. The dog chewed on their furniture and had also attacked their Pomeranian. The dog was vicious. I think she ended up having to call animal control because the dog started attacking the other dogs she was watching. The dog seemed fine during the meet and greet they said.