
Dog Stretching a Lot?

Hi, I just adopted a stray dog that I found three days ago. She's a mix of Jack Russell Terrier and something else, and it has long hair. She's one year old and around 9.8 pounds. I've noticed that it doesn't eat a lot, and hasn't gone either number one or two in a day. I brought her out on a walk for an entire 2 hours, and she didn't use the bathroom, didn't want to eat or drink when she came back. She also likes to stretch a lot, extending front legs and sticking her behind into the air. Is this normal? I'm getting quite worried at the lack of eating/excreting.


I have a black lab that stretches like that when he has an upset tummy. Hopefully its the same thing. He also doesn't eat when he's upset or in a new house, we travel a lot and it took me a while to notice that was a pattern. I would take her to the vet though just to be sure. I hope all is well!

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I would recommend having her be seen by a veterinarian. The stretching sounds as if she is going into what looks like a "play bow" or "prayer stance" which can be a sign of pancreatitis, (or possibly an obstruction). (especially with her not eating much and no bms. you may have caught something early.) Always better to be safe than sorry. Best of Luck!

dogs with Pancreatitis are know to lye with their front legs down on the floor and their rear end up in the air