
dog that won't eat?

I am boarding a dog and he will not eat his food, he seems to want human food but refuses to eat his own! Help!!!

5 Answers

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My mom always taught me that if they won’t eat their dog food now, try in an hour, if they still won’t, try scrambling an egg (keeping it slightly warm), and placing it in with the food. Some dogs get really snappy and cranky the more they don’t eat. So I would rather go the extra mile to get them to eat than deal with their cranky butts when I go to take them for a walk and they won’t let me touch them to put a leash on them.


I had one pup I was sitting who would only eat if you were eating too :)


When pups I sit won't eat, I usually stand next to their bowl and then grab a hand full of the food and let them sniff it, 9 times out of ten they will eat after you drop it in the bowl. I think it makes them feel comforted.


Have you discussed this with the owner? Do they do anything (like adding human food) to the kibble? If that is the case, then the owner should have told you and not relied on you providing their dog with human food.

In general, I don't get concerned if a dog doesn't eat for 24 hours or even more. I feel that they'll eventually eat when they get hungry enough. The dog may need some time to adjust to his new surroundings. I always let the owner know that their dog isn't eating and will give them updates. Usually after 24 hours, they'll chow down.


My philosophy exactly. That is the way my mother treated 5 kids.


You can always try to moisten the pups food with a bit of chicken broth or add some cheese. Many pups won't eat during the first few days at a sitters home, it is what it is!!! Just be sure the pup drinks water and be generous with treats if the pup will accept them.


I agree with a bit of chicken broth if I have been told the dog doesn't have any allergies (Ialways ask). Haven't tried the cheese!