
Dealing with overly friendly clients?

Do any of you go to your dog walking/sitting clients' house for dinner or just to drop in and say hi (not during work)? One of my clients, a friendly and nice if somewhat overbearing-seeming middle-aged woman with a family, for a couple months has said 'if you're on our block sometime (on the weekend), please feel free to drop in' (in a social capacity). I'm uncomfortable being anything but super professional with clients & no clients have ever asked me to spend my free time with them so I'm wondering if this is common or not.

She has mentioned that a couple times before now (I'm genuinely never near their block on the weekend) and just a couple of days ago that they are free this weekend and she wants me to drop in, knowing that this is the busiest week of the year for me so it's a bit annoying. I don't want to offend her or hurt her but it definitely is inconvenient at this time. Not really sure what to make of an overly friendly client like this. I'm a huge introvert so maybe other dog walkers wouldn't think anything of this but I really like my relationships with clients to have a polite yet professional distance and until now, all have maintained and appreciated that.

So what is your experience with this and is this common? I don't really want to get to the point where she expects me to visit regularly. She does give off a bit of a needy feeling.

2 Answers

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You are providing a service and running a professional business. You are under no obligations to socialize with any client outside your normal business relationship. I would just tell her that you are not in her area on weekends and that you are busy every day with other clients. Something like, "I appreciate your invitation but I am busy every day with my business (and family if you have one) and I do not socialize with my clients as a rule."


Thanks. Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned that my mother was struggling with a chronic condition as it invited intimacy & maybe she thinks I could use extra support. Anyway, thanks for your thoughts but I'm definitely nervous about being so direct.


In general, no, I don't do that. However, there are exceptions- such as a former neighbor and our dogs genuinely like/miss each other.

Since she asked again during this peak holiday time, I have a hunch that she wants to surprise you with a seasonal gift. However, she may not realize that your schedule is busy. You could let her know that you're really busy taking care of dogs and suggest that you meet when your schedule frees up. At that point, she may reveal if there was any urgency or if she was simply extending a kind offer. Holidays can be difficult for some people. She may be inviting you just to be nice, not knowing what obligations and support you have.


I feel so guilty but also a bit concerned about this client's neediness... I told her that I had a lot of work this weekend (housesitting, drop ins) and she was like 'No worries at all. Just feel like I haven't seen you in months ;)' :/

I think that because of my age she might see me as one of her students (she's a teacher) or daughter (she only has two sons) in some way.