

I have a Jack russell. When my partner tries to give me a kiss or a cuddle Rex ( the dog) thinks he needs to protect me, he doesn't. The strange this is it is me who he bites. He has bitten my toe so badly my 4th toe is broken and he broken the skin on the toe next too it. This dog is a rescue dog who thrown against a wall when he was a puppy. He has had a very bad start in life. He has responded to train from me . I do not want to put this dog down any help plz?


Is Rex crate trained at all? Even if he's not - crate training may help. A dog's crate can be his "room" in the house - and much like a child who is displaying behavior that is unacceptable, can be sent to his room. 5 minutes or he will forget why you put him in there. This can be for any behavior.

3 Answers

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My family’s chorkie came from an abused home and for years he would protect those who were just rough housing or high fiving or kissing. Even now he does but instead it is just a growl. What we have done with him (it took us years, we called it rehab for Jack) is every time we were about to kiss or high five we could feel him gearing up to protect and we would suddenly switch motives and say “It’s okay Jack!” And kind of do that over and over again. He was crated for a while in another room because if you move at night he attacks your feet and now he just goes to that crate. And because he shows no remorse for his attacking we had to go the positive reinforcement route. So lots of love while we hugged. We cooed at him while we got closer. We made sure he knew he was in a secured place. His life is secured. Does he have a collar by chance? I know that all of the dogs I know who have collars think of them as belonging somewhere. When they are taken off they get nervous and when they see you are putting it back on they get excited. My cat even feels that way. Perhaps that could help as well. Is he as comfortable with your s/o as he is with you? Perhaps the s/o should have days where it’s just them. Have your s/o take him for walks or to get vanilla ice cream at dq. Do things that your dog will dream about and bond with to him. And maybe do the same to your dog as well? Perhaps he sees him as someone moving in because he hasn’t bonded to him because of his past and everyone just has to make that extra effort. I know it has really helped my family in the end. Even though Jack is considered my dad’s dog, he used to hate my dad and would protect all of us girls and the cats from him. Now my dad is the best guy in the house because he took the time to know Jack.


I just want to say that the only time we muzzle him is to clip his toes and shave him down for summer. He doesn’t like the razor too much.


I agree with Erica M. and would also like to add that you should buy a muzzle for Rex to wear around the house. Preventing future attacks will help both you and Rex by minimizing the number of triggering encounters he has. This will also make the times he does try to bite you ineffective, which will hopefully help that behavior to die out.


Sorry but NO, I would not keep a muzzle on the Rex for a long period of time. 1) This can make the aggression worse. 2)Panting is the only way a dog can cool themselves down. So if the dog gets too stressed or hot a muzzle restricts their ability to pant which can lead to heat stroke or even DEATH!

I definitely should have specified a basket muzzle and NOT a fabric one, specifically one like what BUMAS makes. There’s a TON of space for the dog to breathe, pant, drink water, and even eat treats. It’s what the animal behaviorist at NCSU recommended for my dog and it’s been life changing.


I am sorry to hear this. I know working with a dog that bites can be very stressful, not to mention the amount of time and effort it takes into correcting the behavior. I would recommend contacting a trainer who can really work with you one on one in correcting the problem. When you do contact a trainer you want to make sure you go to one works with aggression. Not just your basic obedience, or agility but rather one that specializes in aggression. Another option would be a Behavior Specialist. You mentioned that Max "is trying to protect you"?? I am not sure that it is protection is the behavior that he is displaying. I would almost say that it would be more showing that he is upset with you, since you are the one that he is biting. i would be interested in what a trainer or behavior specialist would say. Best of Luck!