
When do you start and stop your Rover cards for walks?

I just had my first rover walk today and I wasn't sure if I should start my Rover card when I arrive to the house or just when I am actively walking? I decided to start and stop the rover card only when I was in an active walk to show I walked him for a full 30 minutes. However I did spend about 15 minutes total on top of that walk time just getting the dog ready for his walk, having a few treats, water, cuddles, and then putting him back in his kennel. So I sent a rover card that showed 30 minutes of walk time but I was technically there caring for the dog for about 45 minutes. When should I have started and stopped the Rover card that I sent the client?

1 Answer

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I start the card when I arrive at the door and end the card when I leave the residence after the walk has been completed. My average time per client is 35 minutes


Agree with Walt's answer. Sounds like you're doing more of a drop in visit than a walk. I use the drop in visit whenever possible since it includes the walk map for the owner, and allows for the other additional activities you're doing.

I also agree with Walt. I start and stop the walk as I'm unlocking and locking the door. This way I don't forget to start or stop the walk on the app.