
how do i get my dog to get away from his mate?

so i was up late and wondered why my dog has not come to the door wanting in (i leave him outside before going to bed so he can use it then let him in when he scratches at the door) and i look out side and he is mating with one of our neighbors dog and it freaked my out because he was in that position when it looks like their putting their butts together and i tried to pull them apart but couldn't so i looked it up and found out what it was and i couldn't pull them apart so i just stayed inside then he comes scratching at the door i let him in then like 15 minutes later he wants out so i just let him out for the night and head to bed i wake up go to school and come back and i see him on the road to my house with his mate and usually he comes running towards me and jumps up and we go inside and we sit together and watch tv but this time he just kinda sprinted 5 feet away from her before running back and wont leave her side can i do something about this or am i gonna have to wait it out because i dont want my dog around my neighbors too much i think they kicked him because for like 3 days it would hurt him to stand up or sit or lie down he is ok now tho TL;DR my dog wont leave his mate's side and wont come in what do

3 Answers

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You should neuter your dog. Until the female's heat ends your dog will stay with and continue to mate as much as possible. Hope you are ready for puppies


If your dog is not fixed, it should be absolutely contained within your property line at all times. Like Walt said, this will continue to happen as long as both pets are unaltered. The best way to keep your dog away from his mate is to keep him indoors and have him neutered. Most cities have leash laws requiring that pets be restrained when not on their own property (like on a leash). If your neighbors decide to report your dog, animal control will have the right to pick up your dog and you might have to pay a hefty fine to get him back.


Of course you should neuter your dog, there are far too many already. More importantly, never let a dog run loose, for his own safety, but also because it is extremely inconsiderate to your neighbors.