
Free business cards still available?

Hi, is there still a promotion or coupon code for free business cards or at least free shipping? I just signed up for Rover and completed my 101 training and even booked my first client yesterday. I would like to get some business cards to give to my neighbors but I think the 13 dollar shipping is too much. Thanks! Olaf

2 Answers

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Free cards haven't been offered for a long time, maybe they will again someday. And yes the $13 shipping is too high, you can get more cards for less on VistaPrint, just design your own using a free template on the site


I did not think that you could use anything with "Rover" logo or design unless ordering through Rover. As far as free business cards, I would call Rover directly and ask Rover support. They have in the past (and last year) when talking to them, they gave me a code to use for free business cards. It never hurts to ask. Good luck!