
Has anyone ever cancelled during a stay?

I feel terrible. I just had to contact rover and cancel a booked walking appt for the next 4 days while the owner is out of town. The dog is a 75lb pitbull and being very aggressive towards me. He was fine during our meet and greet and I even took him for a quick walk alone whem I met him to make sure he would be ok with me. He was. He must be having separation anxiety

When I went to the owners house he was snarling with teeth at me and took a lunge. I left the house to go grab some treats and then came back and it was the same thing. He wouldnt even look at the treat.

I feel so bad that they are going to have to get another walker they are out of town but I just did not feel safe.

Has something like this ever happened to someone else?

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I have had to cancel in the midst of a stay before; about half way through. It wasn't for the same reason, although your reason is completely justified. I had to cancel due to a family emergency. I felt really bad about it, especially since the owner was out of the country, but there really was nothing I could do. Fortunately, the owner seemed to understand.