
I dont understand the payment policy can someone please clarify it for me.....

I am looking for payment policy stuff I just booked my very first stay, and she comes tomorrow her parents will pick her up on sunday when will I get paid how do I transfer it to my checking acct?

2 Answers

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The When and the How are explained here:

You can receive payment via Paypal at no charge. If you request a check, then you will have to pay a fee. If you don't have a Paypal account, you should probably set it up now so that you can transfer the Rover payment directly into your bank account. The verification process could take a few days.


1.set up a PayPal account if you don't have one (optional but this is the fastest way) your PayPal account to your bank account (may take a day or two to confirm this for the first time) 3. your payment will be made available to you 48 hours after the stay has finished. can have a check mailed to you (obviously takes a few days)OR instantly to your PayPal account and from there to your bank (PayPal says 3-5 working days, but it has never taken more than 1 day for me and usually within a few hours it shows up in my account)

So if your stay finishes on Sunday, and you go with the PayPal method you should have the funds accessible in your bank account by Wednesday morning. Hope that clears it up for you :)


Thank you! I read everything looking for something that had an estimate of how long it actually takes to get into your paypal / bank account rather than just the "48 hr hold" so its good to know this. Thanks!