
How often can I bathe my dog with flea shampoo?

How often can I bathe my dog with flea shampoo?

3 Answers

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Once every two weeks


Well, Flea shampoos are made with special medicated ingredients that kill fleas and their eggs on contact. So, I would recommend you bathe a dog with normal skin once a month with dog shampoo.

You can also take some recommendation of doctor, who will prefer you to use some Fleas removal methods by using some latest generation of Fleas treatments like using sprays. But for safer and effective way to eliminate Fleas, I had hired environmentally sensible ( flea exterminator in Nassau County NY, who came over and eradicate Fleas quickly and effectively from your dogs and from geographic areas where they are usually found.


You shouldn't need to use flea shampoo unless your dog has an active flea infestation. But if that's the case, you can wash your dog 1-2 times a week, but not long term. Flea shampoo doesn't have any preventative properties once it's rinsed off, so it won't do anything to keep fleas from jumping right back on your pup as soon as he/she goes outside. To prevent fleas and to completely get ride of the infestation, you'll want prescription-strength prevention (Frontline, Advantage, Comfortis, etc.). OTC brands may have the same "active" ingredient, but in a lot of products it's the "inactive" ingredients that actually assist the active ones in doing the job effectively, and those tend to be regulated/prescription strength. It can take up to 3 months to completely get rid of a flea infestation in your dog, especially if they've set up residence in your carpet, furniture, etc.