
How frequently do you find yourself archiving requests due to the lack of response by the owner?

I am surprised by the number of times I find myself having to archive unanswered owner requests. For example, someone will inquire about my availability, I will respond quickly, and then I will hear nothing back from them...ever.

Is this typical? Am I doing something wrong? And, finally, does this have any impact on my overall rating? I have seen brand new sitters blow right past me in the rankings, and I can't figure out why.

I just find it odd that so many owners will just leave sitters hanging. I don't want to be an annoyance to potential clients by following up all the time, but I also don't want the lack of follow-up on the owners part to have any bearing on my rank. Thanks for any input!


If your are just starting out, it may be worth your while to archive with following up in mind. I've gotten inquiries from people looking at dates weeks or months in advance. Most don't see the rush to book within two or three days. When the charge hits their bill may also be a reason they wait to book.

4 Answers

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Hi, I don't experience this often, but I thought this thread from sitters that have may be of interest to you. Also, below is a link to Rover's advice. re. ranking position


Thanks, Deb! The link to the previous thread was, indeed, helpful. I appreciate you taking the time to send me in the right direction.

Great! Glad to help!


I have a huge problem with the Rover rankings! I have contacted customer service 5 different times about this and get the run around. I love Rover. I have been with them over 2 years and have sat over 60 dogs. I have 46 5 star reviews and am listed on the 3rd page for rankings. This just recently happened as over 4th of July I got extremely busy with dogs which is great. I had 2 people find other sitters, one person cancel, and 2 that I legitimately couldn't take on myself. I archived everything.... I then went from the first page to 20th on the 3rd page. I now get no new requests. Yet there are BRAND NEW sitters with no sits, no reviews, and no testimonials and they are first page top 10! I think there is something very wrong with the way they weight things... I am super discouraged with Rover and wish someone would help me out. I don't want to go to another company as I have bought all my marketing materials with Rover and really like everything else except since this I can't get sits...


You aren't doing anything wrong. I've read on here that a lot of times owners (especially those new to Rover) will contact several sitters. I haven't a clue as to how they then decide which one to follow up on. I've had that happen to me several times (I'm the one who started the thread referenced above) and now I just respond, then move on if they don't answer. Their loss :-)


Thanks, Cari. I had figured as much, but it is still frustrating, especially still being relatively new to Rover myself. It's exciting to receive those inquiries, and then kind of a let down when I hear nothing back. It is nice to know that there are other sitters in the same boat! Thanks again!


I don't experience this often but find that if they don't get back to me I move on within a day. It shows me that it's not a priority to them and I can usually fill those dropped requests pretty quickly soon after.


Thanks, Lisa. I appreciate your advice.

I do the same.