
Can I still be a Rover sitter if I move cities?

Looking to move to another city - will I still be able to use my account in my new city or do I have to do through the process again?


I move from MA to NYC, and it asked me to complete an online test (which I have to redo the whole application process) and required to attend a test in NYC before taking any booking.

2 Answers

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Hi, Becca! I just moved a couple of weeks ago. One week in advance, I updated my address on Rover and put a note as the first sentence of my profile along the lines of "I will be moving to the __ are at the end of May. I will be available for Meet & Greets from the (date) through the (date) and can begin taking reservations as early as the (date)." I also marked my calendar as unavailable for the dates that I was in the moving process.


I believe you should be able to switch locations by changing the info in your account profile: