
Why does my dog eat dirt?

My dog always eats the dirt out of my plants! Why is she doing this?

2 Answers

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There are many reasons why a dog might eat dirt, sometimes its just because they like it. But if your dog eats dirt quite a bit, it could be a mineral deficiency or some other things your dog is lacking in his diet. If like I said the dog does it a lot, I would do blood tests at the vet just to rule out things like anemia.


I have thought of this as well, my senior dog eats dirt outside, whenever he is out. I've changed his food and he stopped.


There could be a few different reasons why she's eating dirt: Your dog may just like the taste. Or your dog’s dirt eating could actually be a search for minerals, vitamins or even good probiotic bacteria that he isn’t getting in his diet. Or she could have a medical condition like inflammatory bowel disease or hypothyroidism. It is best to discourage dogs from eating dirt, as although it is unlikely to cause a serious issue, there can be chemicals within dirt that can be potentially harmful. She may be eating dirt because she's bored. You could try keeping her occupied with toys and other things.