
What can I wash my puppy with?

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Puppy wipes/shampoo. The way I made bathing fun for my puppy was- I first introduced him to puppy wipes and gradually introduced him to water. Watch this video to know how to give your puppy a  relaxing spa treatment at home using puppy wipes : (

2 Answers

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The thing I use for pretty much all pets, including horses and cats is liquid dish washing soap.


It is very mild and won't irritate their skin

It lathers very well

It rinses clean

Tip: Put in a container and add water ahead of time, so it is diluted, and that makes it easier to apply and work into a pet's coat.

Important: Do not get in eyes and ears; Rinse all of it out; Make the soaping time like a long massage for your pet so they enjoy that part....pays off in the long run.

Popular rumor: Dawn kills fleas Truth: most of them do including Palmolive

If a pet is very tiny, sick, immuno-compromised, etc, do not bathe but use a cleaning fiber cloth made for that purpose.

Be sure pets get fully dry.


Puppy shampoo.