
Can I hide my profile from an owner that I don't want to rebook with me?

Had these dogs dozens of times, but we have not been able to stop them from having accidents in the house. Super sweet dogs and the owner is really nice. I feel like it would hurt her feelings and I don't want to if I don't have to. So I was hoping that I could block her from seeing my profile.


Ask them to provide the doggie diapers. If you want to still have them not contact you go to booking request and under your rover number "______ may contact you" select NEVER (but I would suggest the 1st option. They can get them for $6 for a 12 pack on Amazon

2 Answers

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The simple answer is no.


Man, this is a bummer, dogvacay we could hide our profile from the owners😞


Thinking.... you could private message her parts that are true such as that you're not as available for in-your home bookings or that you're not able to do long bookings - visits in your home beyond 1.5 hours. or that you can take care now of only outside stay dogs. you could also switch the personal photo of your acct to one with you in a hat or glasses or different hair style. or see if you can add another initial to your last name (all true, all truthful)