
Why does my dog flea bite everything?

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2 Answers

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I'm assuming you mean why do fleas bite your dog and you? Fleas bite because they need your blood to feed. A female flea needs your blood to produce eggs. I would suggest putting your dog on a flea preventative and washing your house thoroughly. Wash all your carpets and vacuum daily. Wash your pets bed and anything else he might lay on. This is a continuous process because of fleas life cycle lasts for about 20 days so you have to keep it up.


No not flea bites flea biting is dogs nibbling on everything it's called flea biting. My dogs been flea biting everything


This is just a way some dogs have of expressing affection. Dogs do this when grooming each other.

It's cute, and better than having a dog who licks or chews things. Your dog is a happy dog who shows love for things by doing that instead of rubbing against them or rolling on them.