
Where can we see sitters reviews for dogs boarding?

I was just wondering where in Rover's site can I see all the reviews from all the sitters that may have been rating my dog boarding in their places. That could be helpful not only for the pet owner, so we can fix any issue, or prevent it to happen again; if there is any, also, prevent that the sitters don't want to take care of dogs after first visit with them, that what is happening to us, and we want to know what is going on. We have been using Rover, for several years now, and we have been getting some hints that the sitters we chose to take care of our pet does not want to take care of her, after the first visit with them, this happens not only one time, but several, and it's not normal. Thanks!

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It's good that you are interested in trying to find out why this is happening.

There is no way to see sitters' ratings of your dog, but you can call Rover support, express your concerns and ask them what has been said. They will likely not tell you who said what, but sitter's comments could give you some idea of why they are reluctant to care for your pet again.

I'm not sure this will work, but a call to Rover support is never a bad idea.

Also, to be clear, sitters are not able to see what other sitters say. Everyone starts fresh with each new sitter.