
(1) Do you have any locations in or near Albany New York?

(2) Does your service extend to cats? Your site was referred to me by a dog lover from California.

The cat in question is a 7 lb domestic long hair male. He is neutered, but not declawed. He definitely prefers to stay in a familiar environment, which is why (ideally) you folks would come to my home to check up on him and keep him company on a daily basis. The duration would depend on when my daughter could pick him up, so we're looking at anywhere from 1 week to 5 weeks. I won't say "money is no object," but I will pay whatever you feel is appropriate. Nearly forgot=he is trained to a litter box and never goes out. He eats only canned cat foot; I will insure there is an adequate supply available before I leave July 1st.

2 Answers

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Yes, it's helpful just to do a simple search on Rover for providers in your area. Look at each profile to see if they provide cat services. Good luck!

Marie S., M.S.Ed


Hi Frank, I did a quick search of Albany NY. While there are pet sitters in the nearby area, the two profiles that I saw did not list Cat Care under Services Offered. You may want to call Rover Customer Support at [Edit: Rover’s contact options have changed. Visit the Rover Help Center at to find the phone number, help articles, or chat with the team] for further help.