
Where can I find the notes I wrote when I "reviewed" a stay that I did?

After I complete a stay, asks me to "review" the pet, to write down anything I may want to remember for next time. I cannot, for the life of me, find where these reviews/notes are after I've done them? For instance, I wrote down the owner's garage PIN # and today I had left my paper notes at home, so was looking for the notes I had left in the review for that dog so I could get the PIN#, but could not find them. I thought it was maybe just the app that didn't have the reviews/notes, but I can't find it on the regular website either. What do I look under? Should it really be this hard to find them again? Thanks!

3 Answers

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Review is different from notes.

When you review a dog stay, it specifically says that whatever you write will not be sent to the owner, that will not be saved to your notes and it's for Rovers internal use only. Meaning they use that to help the owner the next time to find a good match for their dog.

If you put it under the dogs notes you would click on the picture of the dog itself. It is easier to do that on PC. Click on the dog's name: Fido. It should say: Fido is a one-year-old Basset Hound in Los Angeles California. Then the second line will say "edit your dogs notes", click there. If you scroll down further on that same page you'll see listing for if the dog is neutered, good with dogs, cats, kids etc.

You must do this on PC, it won't show you this info on mobile


Hi Fawn:

I don't know if you can do this from the app, so I'll tell you how from your desktop. From your inbox, go to View Past Customers on the top right. Click on the client's name and click on Edit Your Dog Notes.

I always store my client's security codes in my cell as their 4 digit zip code extension so it is easy for me to look up if I need to.


Thanks Mary. I just tried doing what you said, but clicking on the owners name or dogs name just takes me to the last conversation we had for that stay. It'll say that the stay was reviewed, but I can't click on it. I'm not seeing where it says that you can edit the notes(?). Good tip re: codes


If you left a review for the client and dog you CANNOT view that review on line, as Mary mentioned if you created dog notes those can be reviewed. And you should never put any client personal information in dog notes, that violates the privacy policy


Then what is the point of writing a review for that stay? Is it just for I thought it said that no one but myself could see the review? Or was it just that can see it? Seems pointless if no one can see what I wrote. Won't be doing that anymore.....

The reason for Rover's personal reviews is so that Rover can get a better idea of how you and your client's dog got along during their stay and also to know how well behaved the dog.

They use the information for various different reasons. I think one of them is so that if they need to help a client hire a last minute sitter and no meet and greet can be done beforehand,

Rover will have some information to go on so they can give the new sitter some insight on the dog before officially booking.

I need to see what I wrote about a dog in review so that I can decide if I want to board it again.