
Is it ok if my dog groomer trims my dog's whiskers?

I know you're not supposed to cut cat whiskers--just wondering if dogs use them like cats?

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Hello. I have been a dog groomer for 14 years and have a diploma from two different schools. The thing is most of the dog groomers are going to get rid of whiskers following the AKC standards for the breed (Cockers,Springers,Poodles,etc,)That is what is what is taught in grooming school.Trimming or shaving them is not painful. For pet dogs is a matter of personal preference, I did not shave the whiskers on the 3 Springers I had because I wasn't showing them. Just be sure to tell your groomer if you don't want the whiskers removed otherwise she/he will follow the standard procedure.


Like cat whiskers, dog whiskers are there to help the animal sense their surroundings more accurately. The whiskers on a dog are packed with nerves that send sensory signals to the brain from vibrations in the air. In other words, turn the lights off and the dog can still see fairly well. Sometimes, whiskers also act like our eyelashes, and protect small flying particles from entering the eye (ie., running at the beach).

That being said, it's not painful for the dog to have their whiskers trimmed, though it doesn't help them - unless you think they're that much cuter with trimmed whiskers, then I'm all for it.