
What does the merger mean for the dogsitters?

What if you're like me, and have an ad up on both sites?

2 Answers

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We as sitters don't have to do anything at this point. The merger is all behind the scenes so far, according to everything I've read. I've been through several corporate mergers similar to this in the past, and it takes awhile for the differences and changes to filter down to the users. Just keep doing business as usual until told otherwise.


Probably not much, if anything at all. I have been on both sites and they've become increasingly alike. There are only a few procedural differences.

For now, Rover stated that both sites will remain operational. If they eventually opt to merge into a single internet presence, then all the sitters could be transferred into the surviving site. It shouldn't require any work on our part. However, Rover would need to ensure it can deal with duplicates without loss of data.

If they continue to operate two sites (which I think is doubtful), then DV's differences will likely be replaced with Rover's.


As of June 12, 2017, DogVacay will no longer be active. I'm not sure when this response was made, but I'm just more hearing over now and that was the date we were told.

As a user of this for my dog, I can tell you that our preferred sitter that was on Dog Vacay (but not Rover) initially, is not getting communications appropriately through Rover since the merger. I am very disappointed since the merger and if I can find another option, I will use it. :(