
Why is my dog shedding so much?

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bathe them or brush them. it really helps my dog Finn

2 Answers

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Dogs naturally lose old or damaged hair by shedding. Although shedding is a normal process for dogs, the amount and frequency of hair that is shed often depends upon their health and breed type. It can also depend on the season-many dogs develop thick coats in the winter that are then shed in the spring. Dogs who are always kept indoors, however, are prone to smaller fluctuations in coat thickness and tend to shed fairly evenly all year.

What seems like excessive shedding can be normal for some dogs, but it can also be the result of stress, poor nutrition or a medical problem. Your veterinarian can best determine if your dog’s hair loss is part of the normal shedding process or is a symptom of an underlying disorder.


You can also reduce shedding dramatically by regular brushing. A slicker brush works well for short haired dogs but for fluffy double coated dogs you will need an undercoat rake ( ( like the Paws Pamper. Depending on how much your dog is shedding you may need to brush several times a week, especially during shedding season. If your dog is still shedding excessively as Walt said it could be an underlying condition such as skin problems, stress, hormonal imbalance, food, allergies, etc. Good Luck!