
Why is my dog trembling?

My dog has been trembling all morning, and I have no idea why. Is he just cold, or is he scared of something? How can I tell? What's the fastest way to make him feel better?


Hey today my dog eas shaking je wake me up eith his hard breathing it was not normal besides it eas 7 10 so i put him in my bed and i made him Little warmer with the bed sheets. He did not stop shaking but i felt his needs he just wanted to pee, i ran to open the door he ran out and pee. yw

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It’s certainly a cause for concern when you see your dog shaking and trembling, but it can be difficult to identify the cause. Here are the more common reasons a dog may shake.

•    Cold. That seems very basic, but dogs do shiver and shake when it is cold, particularly if they have a short coat.

•    Pain. If your dog is hurting, he may tremble and hold his body tense. Has he over-exercised and perhaps injured a leg? Is he reluctant to jump or climb stairs which may indicate he has a sore back?  Even a tummy ache can be enough to cause your dog to shake. If he is in pain, he’ll also be reluctant to move.

•    Anxiety. Some dogs are more nervous than others and if they feel anxious or afraid, they will shake.  Nervous dogs will also try to escape scary situations and often try to hide behind their owners.  

•    Internal organ disease. Now we’re getting into the more serious reasons your dog may shake.  Some medical conditions such as kidney disease or diabetes can cause trembling in dogs, particularly of the legs. Disease or injury to the brain and spinal cord also lead to weakness and trembling. Dogs that have been poisoned often start out with trembling which may progress to full blown seizures.

If you are in any doubt as to why your dog is trembling, or the shaking is lasting longer than you would expect if he was just cold or stressed, make an appointment with your vet.