
What do I do if my dog has cancer?

My dog just got diagnosed with cancer, and I have no idea what to do from here. I'm still processing, but I want to do everything I can to keep the house's morale high and also my dog feeling as happy and comfortable as I can. Has anyone had to go through this before? I'd love any advice.

3 Answers

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See vet for treatments you can do!


You should work with your vet to provide quality care for your pup, many cancers are treatable, so best wishes


Hi Shelly,

Sorry to hear about your dog's diagnosis. Kudos to you for recognizing that household morale is shared between all family member- human and canine. I've known a couple dogs that were given that diagnosis for different types of cancer. My opinion is the most important part is to get a timely good surgery with Clean Margins to remove any growths. If you decide to do chemotherapy, to me it seems like the most costly injected medication is more effective and gentler than oral pill administration.