
Why does my dog eat rocks?

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3 Answers

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You really need to stop this behavior. It could be behavioral, anxiety, or medical reason. I'd suggest consulting the vet first to rule out serious disease, illness or disorder.


Most vets don't advise letting your dog eat stones as they can break their teeth, get caught in their intestines, and lead to serious health problems. Here are some reasons your dog might be eating pebbles and what you can do about it: It is deficient in phosphorus, calcium, or iron or it could possibly have an enzyme deficiency. Your vet can test for deficiencies and tell you the best supplements to give it. It might have worms in the stomach. Deworm it. Even if this isn’t the reason, you should be deworming regularly. Your dog may be ill or in pain. Again, this means a trip to the vet to get your dog checked out It could merely be bored and need exercise. This problem is easily fixed. Buy it some chew toys and take it for more walks and playtime. It could be lonely. I would say this should be an easy one to figure out too. Try spending more time with your dog and see how the problem changes. It may have a condition called pica. This is a mental health problem that causes people or animals to compulsively eat non-food items. Homeopathy, acupressure, acupuncture and herbs have helped some dogs who suffer from pica. Your vet will need to diagnose this issue and can give you tips on dealing with it. It could have a disorder of the intestinal tract. A vet can check to find out if this is the case. It could have diabetes mellitus. This can also be tested for at the vet. Your dog may be suffering from bloat.


Chewing rocks is one way for a disgruntled dog to get attention. If your dog has no diagnosed medical conditions, it could be out of boredom, anxiety, or fear. Another reason for this is your dog could have a medical problem. These can include intestinal tract disorders, nutritional deficiency, diabetes, or other illnesses. Seek medical attention first, then once that is ruled out, seek behavioral advice.