
What should I name my dog?

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5 Answers

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Aside from these great answers, I enjoy names that are easy to make a nickname out of! For example, my pup's name is Newton and we call him Newtie for short. All that matters if that you like it, and your pup responds to it :)


One Syllable names only with positive meaning. When people hear your dog's name they will make judgements based on that. Think: What comes to mind if you hear of a PIt named Danger vs one named Bubbles?

Wait a bit before you name them, but definitely do rename them. This helps you see a bit of their personality and also make them part of your family. When you give them a new name, it helps leave whatever the past was behind them.


Stick with names that end with e's because its easier for them to recognize it.


Stick with shorter names. Dogs have an easier time recognizing names that are either one or two syllables long, compared to names that are more complex.
Dogs hear high frequency sounds very well, so names starting with s, sh, ch, k, etc. work well when catching a dog's attention. Dogs will respond more quickly to these relatively sharp sounds. Try the name out for a couple of days before you make it permanent. Once you’ve chosen a new name, try it out for a day or so. See if it grows on you. You’ll know really soon whether it’s a keeper or not


This link from AKC may help you find the right name w/ over 150 to start with.