
Why does my dog smell?

This is a question that we often get from sitters and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!

5 Answers

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"Dogs don’t sweat like we do. That is, they don’t have liquid perspiration seeping form their pores and rolling off their skin in the way humans do. But they do perspire from their paws, and they do emit a light perspiration from their hair follicles, which has a chemical scent that is individual to the dog. All dogs may smell the same to some of us, but they don’t smell the same to each other. They also produce oil, an important part of healthy skin and hair, which also has its own scent marker. Along with the glands in their ears, which produce a light yeasty smell, these are all normal body odors, and can be kept to a pleasant minimum with normal, regular bathing and grooming." - PetMD

Essentially, because dogs can't sweat like we do, they pant. If your pups oral's hygiene isn't great, this can lead to smelly breath - especially if he/she is drooly! Additionally, certain breeds are smellier than others because of the amount of natural oil they produce. For example, a pug I sit produces a lot of yeast from his ears and oils from his rolls, so he's a lot smellier than some of my pups.

Hope that helps!


Sometimes a dog's breath is what smells bad. Make sure to be on top of your dogs oral hygiene. Bad breath can be a sign of important medical issues that must be addressed. For a smelly dog, a bath and blow dry should do the trick. You can use a scented spray made for dogs to help gave a longer lasting scent.


In addition to the above, make sure you properly DRY your dog after a bath.


might have been rolling around in something in the back yard, just give them a quick bath!


I've had experience with lots of dogs and I'll be honest. Some of it is simply doggy dna. Some breeds and some dogs in general just smell worse than others. A good shampoo and cleaning regimen goes along way but don't beat yourself up if you're doing all u can. Try adding baking soda to their next bath that will help.