
Does Rover have an intake for with appropriate info to gather before taking care of a dog?

It would be nice to have some sort of form that I could use to get all the appropriate info about the dog I'm sitting for such as vet info, shots, client contact info, etc. Do you have such a form created?

3 Answers

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Rover does not have a repository of forms for you to use. However, you can easily create one yourself using Rover's Meet 'n Greet guide, which has this checklist:

Also, if you just Google "dog boarding information" you will find lots of actual forms in use by kennels and other facilities all over the country and you can be inspired by them.


No, they do not. I believe it's to allow for host's to actively engage with their clients and ask personalized questions to suit the concerns of the individual. For example, one of my main concerns is how vocal a dog is because I work from home - while someone else may be more concerned about separation anxiety. The good news is you can totally create your own template based on your own concerns and use it with future clients. Whenever I get a new client, I'm able to copy/paste most of my questions with some personalization.

Additionally, many customers also include great care instructions and their Pet's personality on their profile. Hope that helps :)


Dog Vacay had a Pet Hosting Form that I used for each client. It had the client info, emergency contact, vet contact and all info on the dog (feeding, meds, habits, etc.). I gave it to them to take with them when they came for a meet and greet and asked them to complete and bring it back when they returned for their first stay. It was most helpful and I refer back to them for my repeat clients. Plus, I can make notes on them for future reference as well.

I'm still using the Dog Vacay form, but since Rover does not have one, I plan on creating a new one, maybe with the Rover logo, for continued use. It would be nice if Rover would provide one that sitters could download.