
Why won't my dog poop?

My dog hasn't wanted to poop in a while... what could be wrong? Can I feed him something or give him medication to help?

3 Answers

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causes includes: Dehydration, not enough dietary fiber, lack of exercise Swallowing a foreign object like a piece of cloth, part of a shoe, or rocks Intestinal obstruction, including tumors Neuromuscular disorders involving abnormalities or injury to the nerves or muscles of the colon Infected anal glands or a hip or pelvic injury that causes pain during defecation The effects of surgery, some medications, and iron supplements Stress brought on by a change in routine or surroundings One of the most frequent causes of constipation in dogs is dehydration. If you suspect your pup is constipated or you’ve noticed dry, hard stools when she’s able to go, it’s important to monitor her water intake.


Dogs that don't poop are either very sick or on their way! Please take your dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Constipation can get serious fast in a dog. You should monitor his food intake and urine output and report these things to your veterinarian when you arrive.


Not pooping for dogs is not normal. Please seek veterinary advice.