
What should I do if my dog has diarrhea?

My dog has diarrhea! She keeps wanting to go outside and her appetite has changed... what can I give her for this? I'd love to know how to make her feel better!!

3 Answers

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Yes, she might have eaten something that upset her belly, it happens to the best of us! When it happens to my dog we just tried to keep her hydrated and were patient. Once she gets whatever made her sick out of her system, she should be fine.

After a couple days I'd say give it 3, I'd go to your vet!


Oh no! I would definitely check with her vet - she may have simply ingested something that her stomach doesn't agree with, or it could be symptoms of a more serious problem.

That being said, dogs, like humans, occasionally get upset tummys. I am not a vet nor do I have any medical training. The following is just my personal experience; The best thing I've discovered is white rice (NO seasoning or salt, just water and rice) boiled chicken breast (again, nothing but plain chicken!) and a little bit of low sodium chicken broth in her water. Some people also suggest not feeding for a period (12-24 hours) to allow the dog's stomach to 'reset'. ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOUR DOG HAS PLENTY OF FRESH WATER. Diarrhea causes dehydration, so if nothing else make sure your pup is drinking enough.

I hope she feels better soon!


As always, if you are ever your Vet. But like others have said, dogs have upset tummies just like humans once in a while.

That being said, If our dogs have an occasional upset tummy (no other symptoms), our Vet has told us to try a child's dosage of Imodium AD after the first loose stool. If that doesn't work, or if any other symptoms are present, last longer than a day or has blood, contact your Vet immediately.