
Why does my dog sleep under the bed?

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5 Answers

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Great question! Your pup could be sleeping under your bed for a variety of reasons.
Just how over time a dog can establish his/her crate as a "safe space" where they can feel comforted, safe, and at home- dogs can establish other places as a "safe space" too! : ) Your dog may be trying to be closer to you and to have a sense of comfort with your presence. If this is a bother to you, or unsafe to your pup, you may want to establish a nice enclosed space near your bed where he or she could sleep instead.


Your dog does or doesn’t sleep in your bed. I’m assuming the pet doesn’t sleep with you so that’s probably his/her safe place


A number of situations can lead to this behavior. Some dogs may be fearful, while others seek safety in the dark.


My dog just started sleeping under my bed too. How can I reverse this behavior since he's an emotional support dog? I treat him really good even feeding him organic food which cost me a lot of money. Can someone help me? It makes me feel abandoned one again which is my emotional issue.


My dog has started sleeping under the bed the past couple nights - on the floor for the past week. He is 3 and a half years old and have had him since day one basically. He has always slept in our bed until recently. We aren't sure what to do and very concerned because this is unusual behavior. He has also became afraid of storms recently after one back in April triggered the tornado sirens to go off multiple times in the evening, but nothing severe happened. I'm thinking he is now associating that night to every storm. We purchased a thundershirt, but wasn't sure if we should try and have him wear that at night to help with sleeping in the bed?


You bought the vest, please at least try it. Then everyday check for different personality changes. One thing at a time.


So, I know this is a semi-dated post but, my pup has been sleeping under my bed and under my arm chair the last few days. I was getting worried (and still am worried) because she is usually very attached to me, literally always has to be touching me in some way shape or form. I adopted her before she turned one and from an abusive home. She will be three in June 2020. She exhibited anxiety from the very beginning and I've always accommodated that. She has slept by my side since I adopted her and it always takes time for her to get acclimated to new situations.

Over the last few days, she's been very unattached and hangs out under the furniture which is very out of character for her, especially when I come home from work. After reading these comments I started thinking about any changes happening... that's when I realized that the only change in our lives is that they've been painting the outside of my apartment building, that means, masking our windows in the early morning, people on my patio and around the building when I take the pups out for our regular walks. They should be done painting within the next couple of days, so I'm hoping this anxiety for my Sasha girl ends soon. I'll be loving on her while giving her her space until then. But will take her to the vet at the end of this week if it doesn't subside. I hope this post provides insight and stay tuned!

0 (There are a few things you can do if your dog is sleeping under your bed. You could try moving the bed so that it’s not in their way and rewarding them for getting up when they’re scheduled to be up. You could also try changing their food or water schedule to ensure that they get enough napping time. If all of these measures don’t work, then you might need to get a dog bed for your bedroom so that your pet can rest and relax without feeling like they’re on display.)