
Is blue buffalo good dog food?

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3 Answers

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Blue Buffalo is a highly advertised brand, but it is of marginal quality, there are many better brands on the market


Research a ton before deciding for or against for your furbaby. Ingredients, best food choices for your specific breed of dog your shopping for, reviews from other puppy parents, etc.


It's not a bad dog food, but there have been tons of controversy regarding it recently. Also, they have had multiple recalls. It is most likely better than other dog foods, like the ones you find in a grocery store. But if you do some research there are plenty of better options. But the most healthy dog food out there is always raw feeding, so if you have the time to research that. It can easily be cheaper than the best dog foods, and is actually superior to all of them.

but do your research, Fromm's food is very highly rated, if you aren't looking for raw, but it isn't cheap.