
Why does my dog follow me everywhere?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!

3 Answers

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Could be different reasons. Some dogs are very family oriented and protective. They simply want to be with you at all times. Other reasons could include things like separation anxiety.


There could be a lot of reasons! The first is that the dog might just like you and enjoy being around you. Your dog might be curious about what you're doing, or wants to keep an eye on you. Maybe the dog is expecting a reward of some kind, either attention, a treat, or dropped food. Whatever the case, there is something rewarding about following you.

If you want to start working on separation, it might be good to play crate games, or otherwise establish other safe, rewarding places to be. There's a lot of good training material on Youtube and on blogs that address this!


Dogs are very pack-oriented, and depending on the breed, they love to be with their people!!