
How often do dogs need baths?

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Every other week

5 Answers

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General Dog Bathing Guidelines. I recommend you bathe a dog with normal skin once a month with dog shampoo or human baby shampoo. If you want to bathe more often than once a month, use a soap-free or moisturizing shampoo to prevent the skin from becoming dry.


Max 3 weeks. Preferably every two depending on how active, dirt or messy the dog gets. One that often swims in saltwater everyday gets a fresh water rinse every day and a bath every two. For a dog that is incredibly sluggish and barely moves and isn't the kind to roll in the grass, 3weeks


Every other week or when they roll in something stinky!!๐Ÿ˜Š


I personally don't give my dogs a bath unless they need it. Like after it rains and they are muddy or we are going somewhere and leaving them with a friend. They also get them after a day at the lake or dog park.


It's recommended that dog should be bathed at least once every 3 months, however it may be necessary to bathe some more often than others, if:

1) they have skin issues or allergies 2) they spend a lot of time outdoors 3) they require bathing after coming into contact with something undersirable- skunk, mud, trash, etc.

Aditionally, most dogs with "hair" for fur, usually need to be bathed every few weeks.


It is recommended that you bathe your dog once a month or once a week if you use a really gentle shampoo.