
Why did my dog pee on me?

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As crazy as it sounds, most dogs will mark their territory, even a person at some point. LOL. Stress or changing environments can kick it up a notch.

3 Answers

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As crazy as it sounds, most dogs will mark their territory, even a person at some point. LOL. Stress or changing environments can kick it up a notch.


I was going to say the same thing hahah. You are mine, I will now pee on you.


He's essentially marking you as his. Dog's pee on things to claim territory, so he's saying you're his!


When does your dog exhibit this behavior? Are their usually other animals around, or other people? As stated above, yes, territory can come in to play, however a few other things can contribute.

1) is your dog submissive? Sometimes with submissive dogs a look or quick movement can cause them to urinate- where ever they are.

2) has your dog been exhibiting an increase in thirst, or an increase in frequency to go outside? If so, a Urinary tract infection could be in play.