
Why does my dog poop in her bed?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


We had problems with our dog also. He used to bark and chew shoes, table etc when we were not at home. We had no time to take our Bud to dog training classes. We asked one friend who works in foster care. He recommended one online dog behavior trainer It helped us a lot.

6 Answers

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Because he wants to poop


My little darling left a present for me right after a very rare bath; oh did I mention she really hates to take a bath.

I think we’re even now; I got her bathed, and in return she reminded me that she really hates baths by pooping my bed. I just hope we can put this all behind us and move on.


My dogs don't usually poop in their bed, but they do pee on their bed. Most of the time it is due to being scared during the night or just claiming that the bed is their territory.


Wow that is very odd behavior. Most dogs will not poop anywhere near where they eat or sleep. If you are giving the dog regular chances to eliminate outside and this is still happening I gotta believe there is a bowel control problem.

Until you can get them to the vet to rule out any parasites/infections/intestinal issues I'd be using diapers or confining them to an area that is easily cleaned: tile bathroom, laundry room etc. You don't want to exacerbate things by the dog accidentally ingesting their infected feces if they are already sick.


If she went potty on it once it simply smells like potty time. And there are enzymes that most cleaners and sprays can not get out so it is possible even if it is clean it can still smells like potty time. There are a few other reason too. Needing to go out more often or needing a refresh on potty training.


It could be a behavioral issue, such as your dog being upset that you have been at work instead of playing with them. Alternatively, your dog may need a more consistent potty routine. Frequent trips outside and generous praise after pooping outside may help.