
Why does my dog keep getting sick after eating?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


I find dogs tend to eat really fast especially if you have more than one in the house for fear they will loose their meal. I separate my dogs when feeding so they feel safe. Mine are good with just different corners of a room but some need separate rooms.

Sometimes acid may build up if a dog has not eaten in several hours. Try feeding smaller meals at shorter intervals. Another reason could be a gastric upset. Sometimes letting the stomach rest overnight and resuming feeding a bland diet the next day works.

There are many causes to why a dog gets sick after eating. Some dogs just get excited and eat too fast, while others have bigger problems. If you have just recently started new food, that could be upsetting their stomach, along with any stress happening in their life at that time

5 Answers

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It could be that your dog is eating too fast. A slow feeder or adding water to their food can help. Or it could be an allergy, which would require a visit to the vet for testing.


Your dog is eating too fast. You should try adding a little water to the food, wait for the food to absorb the water. This will make the food softer and takes longer to eat.


Most likely food allergy (or eating too fast).


Sometimes dogs may ingest food to quickly, not taking the time to chew their large kibble. They may inject a large amount of air which can come back up by vomiting. It can also be nervousness or stress which may increase acid in his stomach.


The most common causes would be eating too fast or food allergy. Try smaller amounts or a special bowl to slow eating (you can find these at the pet store, it's like an obstacle course bowl). You can also change the food to a brand and type for sensitive stomachs but introduce new food in increments. If it's related to allergies or another issue you'll need to talk to your vet.