
Why does my dog choke after drinking water?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Most likely they are drinking too fast try to give them less water

Try water bottles for dogs, and please make sure you use filtered water don't leave it out where the sun can hit the bottle or bowl because it will make it dirty ( alge will grow) also clean the bowl or bottle every day at least once, just rinse it out if you use any type of soap.

5 Answers

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My dog was choking after drinking until I got a raised feeder. She hasn't done it since. She's a pit mix so I got the large, 12 inch high raised feeder.


If your dog chokes after drinking water, it's usually because the dog is drinking too fast. This is often times the case when dogs are overly excited after playing and go to drink water. It's nothing too serious. It's similar to when we drink water and gag on it because it goes down the wrong pipe. I would recommend to keep the dog as calm as possible before he/she heads for the water bowl and control your dog's water intake to make sure he/she doesn't drink too much at once. You definitely want to keep an eye on the behavior though because the issue could be more serious if your dog is constantly coughing after he/she drinks water.


Some dogs, like my dog for example. May dip their entire muzzle inside the bowl. Which may cause water to enter the nasal and your dog to choke. Or he may be drinking to fast. Try filling your dogs water bowl a quarter way and add some Ice cubes. This will slow down his drinking. I know alot of doggies that love ice cubes ❄


Agree with both previous answers. However, I'd like to also offer a solution. Try a bowl that will slow your dog down.


They are possible drinking too fast and it has gone down the wrong pipe. This can some times cause them to throw it back up. Limit the water so they drink slower or keep them clam after drinking.