
When do you get paid for a four month assignment?

I got a request for a 4 month job for a once a day drop in. Do I have to wait until the last day on the 4th month to get paid?!

4 Answers

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I got an email this week that said that per parents who book extended stays can set them to 'recurring', in which case you would get paid at the end of each week. There is nothing else for the pet parent to do.
Each time you visit and complete a Rover card, it tells the system that you are to be paid for that visit


Recurring's are not rolled out in all area's. Initial bookings cannot be set to recurring, but future bookings can

I have a new client this week. It's her first time booking with me or Rover and she set it up as a recurring T, TH. A little recurring symbol showed up on the booking

Damm learned something new. I was part of the beta on this feature and the folks in Seattle setup all my 1st recurring bookings. Nice to know this can be done. MT can you forward me the email?

I just sent it. It says "book once, get paid weekly"... It's up on the Daily Treat Rover blog


Hi Natalie:

Yes, if the client books a 4 month stay, you would have the funds available 2 days after the last day of the stay. You could try to have the client book the stay each month, bi-weekly, etc. if waiting 4 months would be too long.


If your client is okay with it, I'd recommend creating separate bookings. Ex: One for every two weeks. If you're honest and explain the situation, it'd be reasonable for someone to request payment biweekly. It'll also help with your rebooking score - but that's obviously something we shouldn't abuse :)


Hello I’m a Rover Expert and Sitter I’m more than happy to help You can get a CHECK mailed automatically to you (there is an additional $2 fee for checks) or transfer your Rover balance to your PAYPAL account. From your PayPal, you would have to go log on and transfer your money to your bank account. Here is a link about automatic payments: ( Here is a link on how to get paid: ( Your funds will be available 48 hours from the completion of the stay


This isn't even relevant to the question