
Why does my dog have hiccups?

My dog has had hiccups for quite some time and drinking water doesn't help. What can I do??

4 Answers

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Hiccups have mostly the same triggers than in humans. Eating too fast, being too excited, or high-grain foods can cause hiccups in our fur-balls. Sometimes just settling down, feeding a little or giving some water can do the trick.


My dog sometimes gets hiccups when she is excited! Like when I come home or she is playing with another dog.


The most common cause of hiccups, as with humans, is your dog has ate their food too fast and has swallowed a lot of air along with his or her food. There are many food bowls available in stores and online that help to slow eating (particularly with larger breed dogs). You may consider that if you have a breed or dog who will be prone to fast eating.

Thank you for your question!

Marie S., M.S.Ed


They are just like humans, so most likely they ate too fast or didn't inhale enough air. Help them out with a spoon full of peanut butter -- usually does the trick for my fur baby!