
Why does my dog eat crap?

Why does my dog like to eat poop whenever we go on walks, or to the park? Should I stop him from doing this? How?

5 Answers

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Dogs sometimes eat food because they like it and it tastes good! This is called coprophagia and it is very common. In puppies they can grow out of the behavior, and there are supplements you can add to the food to make their poop not taste good and discourage this behavior. If possible, I would try to discourage this behavior if eating other dogs poops, as there are certain infectious agents that can be transmitted through fecal matter.


This is normal behavior if your dog is still a puppy or if your dog is a female with puppies and she cleans up their poo. In any other circumstances, as far as I know, it isn't normal. They can get all sorts of diseases from eating poo including some intestinal parasites. Our rescue dog used to do that when we just got her and it was quite disgusting to put my hand in her mouth and scoop it all out. If your dog does this then there are several ways for your to solve it. 1) train your dog to leave it. Reward them after each successful test at leaving either poo, food or toys. 2) make sure your dog is fed before taking them out on a walk where you know they might encounter poo. 3) you can look into holistic treatments with plant essence drops. I have seen it work for some dogs, but not all. If it bothers you a lot and you have no success with the "leave it " command, I would suggest giving it a go.


Dogs will eat poop due to something in their diet is missing. You can try putting hot sauce on poop and letting them taste it or have the dog eat pineapple, that taste would veer the dog to not eat poop.


Some super high quality foods make the crap smell exactly like the food, if that's the case totally normal but should be avoided. If it's not that then I would see a vet


Sometimes this can be related to something your dog is missing in their diet. If your dog is a puppy, this gross behavior is common and they may grow out of it, but consuming feces is dangerous to your dog's health so you need to keep the yard clean and discourage it. It is always a good idea to talk to your vet so I would recommend that right away. There are medications for serious cases but it may be as simple as switching your dog to a different food or a higher quality food.